I admire the will of those people who lead Lutheran Academy in Martin

Mrs. Krčíková is the mom of Dorotka, a 2nd grade pupil at the Lutheran Academy in Martin. We asked also her to see a “mom´s view” of our school. This idea began with our interest in children, but it’s also about the parents and the families.

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God Fulfills our Heart’s Desires

Interview with teacher Janka Čížová on her mission in Uganda
On July 24, 2013, Janka Čížová, the former English teacher at the Lutheran Elementary School in Martin, sat on the plane, wondering how her service in Uganda, in the eastern part of Africa, would take place.

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Serving in Uganda—a Dream Come True

Jana Čížová, a former teacher at the Lutheran Elementary School in Martin, is now volunteering at the Center of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a refuge center in Uganda (SKCH) for children with HIV.

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Lights in the Hands of God

God is already using her in her community because Danka’s ministry is serving children in Sunday School. We are very thankful for God’s grace in Danka’s life.

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Mrs. Brenda Fast: Teaching of English in Slovakia

Life after mission (part 4/4)
Martin became my home quickly and deeply. When it was time to come home (back to America), in so many ways we were leaving our home, too. In other words, we were leaving home to go home.

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Interview with Nikola Rusnoková, the second year Bible Study´s student

In short, it is so wonderful to be closer and closer to God´s Word. I am very thankful to God for the opportunity to study in the Bible school!

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Mrs. Brenda Fast: Teaching of English in Slovakia

Ministry in Slovakia (part 3/4)
I think Larry and I were amazed that for two years we survived without a car! We miss that now that we are back home—we loved the walks throughout Martin and the nearby hills and valleys…

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Michal Veselý: Am I in the right place?

Michal is a senior in college at the Bible School in Martin, majoring in Mission Work with Children and Youth. He spent three months at New Heights Church in Vancouver, Washington, as an intern. During that summer, Michal went to many youth camps and grew in his knowledge of the English language and the different kinds of ministry available to serve God and our neighbors.

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Barborka: “I would Recommend the “Mission Work with Children and Youth” Program to Everyone!”

I am very excited about my study program ‘Mission Work with Children and Youth.’ I had hoped to get into a good university but was not successful in my first attempt. At first I felt bad, but later, I found this was the best thing that could have happened to me…

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Mrs. Brenda Fast: Teaching of English in Slovakia

Final decision – ready to serve in Slovakia (part 2/4)
Teaching English as a Foreign Language in any country had never entered my mind until our Director of Women’s Ministries called me one day in early 2007 to ask if I would consider teaching English in our church’s first ever English camp in Martin…

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Lenka Gardianova: Which experiences in my life influenced my opinion about the world, people and God?

Lenka Gardianova is a junior at college program – Mission work with children and youth in Bible School in Martin. In her school thesis she wrote about few experiences that influenced her opinion about the world, people and God.

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Kristin Petras: Why Are You Going There For Mission Work?

We travel to Slovakia for the potential exponential impact our service can have. For me, this fourth trip to Slovakia really brought home to me how much of an impact the ministry of the CCE has in Slovakia and across the world, and how much God is using this ministry to bring people back to Him in this post-communist time…

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Mrs. Brenda Fast: Teaching of English in Slovakia

Be ready to risk making mistakes (part 1/4)
Communication with those around me has been a driving force in my life from my childhood on. When I was only six or seven years old, one of my uncles married a young Hispanic woman who had two children close to my age.

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Interview with Lynn Panosh

I am amazed at how the Center for Christian Education is growing. More students, more staff, more buildings, more enthusiasm. I see God at work through the staff and vision of the CCE changing lives as they bring the word of Christ and model the joy of living in Christ to others.

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Freshman Students Have “Mom” Studying Beside Them

Tatiana is not overlooked in her new class. She is mature woman who attends daily classe at the Bible School in Martin. She has the strong voice and refreshing image but you can see is not a teenager. Her classmates think she is interesting, friendly and a welcoming person. They see her like their “Mom”.

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The formation of teachers at the Lutheran Elementary School – Martin Pilát

A full-time first grade teacher at the Lutheran Elementary School who enjoys teaching science, especially natural history. He likes music, nature and fungi. He holds no contempt for good hiking and he enjoys camping. Among other things, he prefers dumplings and tasty stew.

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