Progress Report – 2023 – May

Martin | Slovakia | May | 2023


Dear Friends and Partners,

In May we celebrated our sixth high school graduation in the 25 years of existence of the Center for Christian Education (CCE). It was a great occasion to rejoice with students and their families, thanking God for all his care and providence. The graduation worship service and the ceremony took place on Pentecost Monday, when Christians celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Christian church. The power of the Spirit enabled the Christian community to overcome all the struggles throughout the history. May the same be true about our graduates and us as well in the years to come!

May was also a time for student enrollment. As usually, applications outnumbered ourcapacity at all grade levels. For example, out of 180 students who applied for the high school level, we could accept only 50. This interest reflects the fact that our school ranks among the best in the region. At the same time, paraphrasing Jesus’ words, “the harvest is plentiful, classrooms are few.” We hope to increase our school’s capacity in the near future.

In May, Bohdan Hroboň and Adrian Kacian visited our partner churches, schools, andindividuals in the Midwest of the USA. The purpose was to launch a fundraising campaign for the new roof for our main Building. This spring, during the reconstruction of classrooms, we discovered that the roof is in critical condition. We had to shift priorities: first fix the roof and then build the classrooms under it. For $978.900 the reconstruction includes new timber, roof tiles (27.000 ft2), 103 roof windows, 182 solar panels (98kW, saving $33.700 per year), and an elevator. The space under the loft can accommodate offices for teachers, extra classrooms, and apartments for teachers. We ask for your generosity so together we can seal this building off!

With your support, we continue our work with the Ukrainian refugees, supporting the Ukrainian community center in Martin, teaching Ukrainian children, and organizing material support for those in the war zones. We are also preparing for our worship service on June 29, 2023, celebrating the 25th anniversary of CCE. There are still vacant seats at the Martin Ice Hockey Rink, so please come so together we can give thanks to God for all his miraculous work here in CCE. The worship service will be streamed (we will send you the link) so you also join us on-line. God is very good, so let us thank Him big!

Please save this date – we would LOVE to see you here!

Yours in Christ,

Adrian Kacian, Director of Development          Bohdan Hroboň, president of CCE

If you want to use the CCE contacts to help Ukraine, donate money as usual with the memo “Ukraine”. We will keep you informed how the money is used.

Ways to GIVE | Make your tax-deductible gift in one of these ways:
Our Saviour’s
Lutheran Church
New Heights
Paul Berge, Director
St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
900 Stillwater Road,
Mahtomedi, MN 55115
Kathy Clolinger,
815 S. Washington St.,
Naperville, IL 60540
Mark Johnson, Board Member
7913 NE 58th Ave.,
Vancouver, WA 98665
Through Your Home Church
If your church is a partner of the Center for Christian Education, make a donation noting “CCE” in the memo line of your check. Your church’s business office will include your contribution along with its regular support.
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