Teambuilding 2019 – Lutheran preschool

Our lutheran preschool has a nice team of teachers. They love their work and they do their best to create an atmosphere of welcome and acceptance for every child in their care. But sometimes they also need to care for themselves – to strenghten their professional and personal relationships. SO, once a year they go out and have a teambulding, usually in the nature, where they can rest, talk and enjoy each other company.

This May we decided, we will go to High Tatras. On the way there we have stopped and visited a special technical preschool in Poprad. We were warmly received by the director of the school and had a chance to participate in a „show and play time“ of the children. During their morning activities we learned so much about the way they function and support the idea of technical skills in young children. We made several new contacts and friends. AND – we have also hiked in Tatras and collected many fun stories and experiences. We are glad, we can be part of a school where we feel like being part of a family.

Natalia Kacianova, school pastor

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